Words to know:
FIREWALL Noun: A hardware and/or software system designed to prevent unauthorized access into a business or individual's
private computer network or internet.
Example Sentence: The company's firewall prevented a Hacker from accessing private
data on business servers.
A program that randomly rotates the banner ads that are seen by users on a Web site so that each
time the site is visited or refreshed a different banner ad will appear on the screen. Banner ads are frequently used in
Web advertising because it's usually cheaper than paying to place a regular ad on a Web site.
Also called a banner ad rotator.
Windows Tips:
To change the default printer, open the printer control screen from the Start Button, then go to Settings, and choose
Printers. Right click the printer you want as the default printer. On the menu that pops up, click 'Set Printer as Default'
and a checkmark should appear (if not already there). Now the selected printer is default.
Outlook Tips
If you want to access Outlook files from your browser, type the following in IE's
Address box.
To open your inbox: Outlook:inbox
To open your Contact List: Outlook:contacts
To open your Calendar: Outlook:calendar
To open a specific message: Outlook:inbox/~subjectofmessage
Tip from visitor Kate:
Hey I like your tip for Outlook to find a particular email.
Way cool! Here's one you could post.
Rightclick on any empty space on your toolbar and check out all
the options the context menu will show!