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Household Help
Welcome to AvaOnTheWeb!

General Cleaning

I can't help you clean, I need help too!
But I can provide you with a lot of helpful websites and resources! With all these sites. other people must have messy homes too!

Filing Cabinet

File all those papers away!

Thank God for dirty dishes;
they have a tale to tell.
While other folks go hungry,
were eating pretty well.
With home, and health and happiness, we shouldnt want to fuss;
For by this stack of evidence,
Gods very good to us.

Home Depot has free workshops for women called Do It Herself workshops! Get more info and sign up here!

Tip from OrganizeTips.com

"I want you to see your smile in the reflection of your shiny sink!" - FlyLady

Flylady's Website

Get FREE Plants and Tree's and help those who are disabled get jobs! Click HERE!

Submit household hints!

Helpful books to follow!