Homeschooling had been the most fulfilling part of my life, and has shown many benefits to my daughter! If a single mom
like me with no support can do it, and work at home, you can too! Just have patience :) This site is for families of any sort
of education, Homeschool, Private School, and Public School!
Click on the underlined links, Good luck!
Homeschooling Organizations
Educational Sites
Family-oriented educational games and links
Homework sites, arranged by age and subject.
How Stuff Works-Learn how everything works!
Entertaining and funny PBS Educational program for kids and adults!
Social Studies
Access World History
Arranged by Middle School National Social Studies Standards and Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Projects
of National Significance
Ancient Egypt
Learn about the 50 states and territories!
The biggest resource on history of the Roman Empire !
USS Constitution is America's most treasured ship.
Now, she can come to life for your students as never before through All Hands on Deck: Learning Adventures Aboard
"Old Ironsides"!
This interdisciplinary curriculum comes with an accompanying video tape and integrates geography, math, social studies,
arts & crafts, history, science, language arts and more in 14 lessons for grades K-12
USS Constitution Museum -Teachers Curriculum-valid 2003/2004 School Year
Government for Kids
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
The Dept of Justice explains the justice system so kids (and adults!) can understand it.
For Teaching:
Lots of background info and a lesson plan!
The National Constitution Center
9/11 as History
Free worksheets, free worksheet-makers, graphic organizer-makers, rubric-makers and other resources!
Education for the whole family
Mastery TV
Learn from Homeschooling families!
Stepping Stone Academy http://www.geocities.com/ssasonnier/ We have lots of free stuff - including hands on activites, field trip
ideas and Sonlight Curriculum add ons as well as general resources for getting started in homeschooling.
The Homeschool Mom
Adult Education
InstantCert Academy
To have your site listed here, please email avaontheweb@yahoo.com Thanks!
Art Instruction
Art Instruction Schools
Sesame Street is the best show for toddlers, kids,
and parents!
If you let them watch only one show, let it be Sesame Street!
Please shop for your educational resources below!