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Article: Mr. Fred Mcfeely Rogers, Written by Ava

Article on Setting Moral Standards, By Ava, coming very soon!

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Pregnancy Giggles

from Twinsmag.com

Moms! Free contests, gifts, and resources! TBA Deals. Mom owned and operated.

Find a Great Au Pair - See Quality Photos Now!
Get instant access to thousands of AuPairs and Host Families worldwide. Register for FREE! Find a 90% match with FastMatch or create a custom search. Find advice for hiring an aupair or being one.

Single Moms

Article: Dating do's and Don't for Single Mom's

Gotta be me, girl.com

Click the meetup button to meet other single moms!

MOMS Club is a non-profit organization for at-home & and part-time working moms. Local chapters have activities which include playgroups, park days, crafts, monthly Moms Night Out, and lots more! Come join the fun with your child(ren) and meet new moms in your area!

Fatherville.com - Where Real Fathers Write About Real Fatherhood

Parenting Tip of The Day...
from MommyTips.com

Illustration: Moms taxi

Article: Mom's Health Alert

Illustration: Helping Mom in the kitchen

SafetyMom is coming soon!

Praise is so important for children!
Try to catch them being good for one week,
(I know that's difficult for some!)
Then give them an award!